A Glimpse of Ancient Capital Ruins in Luoyang③|Capital Ruins of Eastern Zhou Dynasty


Editor"s note:Luoyang city in Central China"s Henan province is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, serving as a capital for more than 1,500 years in Chinese history. Along the Luohe River on the Yiluo Plain, a core area of Luoyang Basin, are located 5 ancient city ruins, namely Yanshi Shang Dynasty Capital Ruins, Erlitou Ruins, Capital Ruins of Dynasties of Eastern Han, Former Wei, Western Jin and Later Wei, Capital Ruins from Sui to Tang Dynasties, and Capital Ruins of Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Such a dense distribution of capital ruins is rarely seen in the world. At present, Luoyang is accelerating protection of major ruins and construction of "Five Major Capital Ruins Museum Cluster". Starting on April 29, we are launching 5 bilingual video stories about the ruins mentioned above under the theme of"A Glimpse of Ancient Capital Ruins in Luoyang"to help you know more about Luoyang, Henan and China. Here is the third story of the series:Capital Ruins of Eastern Zhou Dynasty.


编者按:作为华夏文明的重要发源地,洛阳拥有1500多年建都史。在洛阳盆地腹心的伊洛平原上,沿洛河一线从东到西排列着偃师商城遗址、二里头遗址、汉魏洛阳城遗址、隋唐洛阳城遗址和东周王城遗址“五大都城遗址”,如此密集的都城分布举世罕见。目前,洛阳正加快推进大遗址保护和“五大都城遗址博物馆群”建设。4月29日起,大河网推出“走进洛阳大遗址”5期双语特别报道,聚焦洛阳“五大都城遗址”,以双语短视频的形式,向外讲好古都洛阳故事,让更多外国友人在行走河南中了解历史、读懂中国。今日推出第3期:《探寻“天子驾六” 品味东周文化》

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Ji Yijiu, King Pingwang of the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC), relocated his capital from Haojing (today"s Xi"an city of Northwest China"s Shaanxi province) to Luoyi (today"s Luoyang city of Central China"s Henan province) in 770 BC, marking the beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC) in Chinese history. The capital ruins of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty are distributed in the area from Wangcheng Park to Luoyang Department Store in Xigong district, Luoyang city.


A tomb of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

In Chinese history, there are 25 kings that ruled the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. To facilitate historical research, it is further divided into two periods by historians: the Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) and the Warring States (475-221 BC). The archaeological surveys and excavations suggest that the vast majority of the capital site is located in the central and western parts of Xigong district and well-preserved except its southeastern part destroyed by the Luohe River. Covering an area of 14 square meters, the capital site is basically square in shape with the Mangshan Mountain in its north while the Luohe River in its south. Outside the rammed-earth walls was a moat. The wall remains are easily found near Wunyuzhong village which located in an elevated position.


A cultural relic of the Warring States period. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

To protect the capital site, a public park was built in its center, named Wangcheng (imperial city in English). Later, many important cultural relics were discovered, including many large horse and chariot pits as well as a large cemetery at the eastern part of the site, presenting a general picture of the capital.


1 chariot with 6 horse. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

It is worth noting that 18 horse and chariot pits were discovered in 2002. In the largest one, archaeologists found 26 chariots and 70 horse remains, including 1 chariot with 6 horse remains, which confirms the accuracy of a historical text describing a king riding in a chariot driven by six steeds.

值得一提的是,2002年,考古工作者先后发现了18座车马坑,并在规模最大的车马坑内清理出马车26辆、马70匹。其中,在一辆马车前面对称摆放着6匹马的骨骸,这印证了古文献当中“天子驾六”的记述。(编译/赵汉青 杨佳欣 视频/何蒙贺 审校/焦丹)
